Worm gear motor - series DCK 31
Robust and reliable

A DC motor with worm gear reliably delivers its power at high torques and low speeds. A worm gear motor withstands high loads. Despite this, it runs very quietly. This electric motor is used in exactly the right way, where its self-locking feature makes the installation of additional brakes unnecessary.
Ultimately, what is often decisive: A worm gear motor is powerful and inexpensive at the same time.
If the first thing that comes to mind is a brushless DC motor, let's talk about your use case. We compare your requirements and the resulting costs for the optimal drive solution to the point.
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Categoria merceologica:
Settore di applicazione: Macchine Utensili/Robotica , Macchine assemblaggio , CPG - Beni di consumo
Area tematica: Robotica & Meccatronica
Keyword: #worm-gear-motor #drive-system