HEIDENHAIN HMC 6 - Single-cable solution for servo drives

Motors normally need two separate cables: one cable for the motor encoder and one cable for the motor power supply. With its Hybrid Motor Cable HMC 6, HEIDENHAIN has integrated the encoder lines in the power cable. So now only one cable is needed between the motor and electrical cabinet.
The HMC 6 single-cable solution has been specially conceived for the HEIDENHAIN EnDat 2.2 interface with purely serial transmission (ordering designation: EnDat22) over cable lengths up to 100 m. However, all other encoders with purely serial RS-485 interface can also be connected. This makes a broad range of encoders available without having to introduce a new interface. Rotary encoders in buffer battery backup are in preparation.
The HMC 6 integrates the lines for encoders, motors and brakes in only one cable. It is connected to the motor via a special connector. For connection to the inverter, the cable is split into power connections and an encoder connector. This makes it compatible on the control side with all the same components as conventional cables.
If the components are correctly mounted, the connections will have the IP67 degree of protection. Vibration protection against loosening of coupling joints is integrated in the connector, as also is the quick-release lock.
The universal design of the HMC 6 provides you—as motor manufacturer or machine tool builder—with the greatest possible flexibility, because you can use standard components—both on the motor and the control side.
A special advantage: all HEIDENHAIN encoders with EnDat interface (ordering designation EnDat22) or with purely serial data transfer as per RS-485 are suited for the HMC 6 single-cable solution. They include motor encoders for servo drives in their various sizes, as well as linear and angle encoders used in direct drives. Encoders for functional safety up to SIL 3 are, of course, also included.
IndirizzoDr.-Johannes-Heidenhain-Straβe 5
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