TigoGateway 1TE
IO-Link Wireless Master with Edge Computing

TigoGateway 1TE is an industrial-grade IP20 IO-Link Wireless Master with Edge Computing functionality. It supports up to 8 IO-Link Wireless Devices simultaneously and includes interfaces to a variety of Industrial Ethernet and IIoT protocols. The IO-Link Wireless connectivity enables to control sensors and actuators wirelessly, with low latency and high reliability, deterministic and scalable performance.
The TigoGateway 1TE includes Edge computing capabilities, with a Linux OS that is used for a variety of advanced applications, and implementation of business logic (including the TigoEngine software installed on the Gateway). It allows to upload high-resolution OT generated data to the cloud with a secure connection.
The TigoGateway 1TE is Docker enabled.
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Product Groups:
Application sector: Packaging , Machine Tools/Robotics , Automotive
Topics of interest: Advanced Automation
Keywords: #io-linkwireless #wireless #automation #industry4.0 #iiot