Tex-El Automazione & Robotica

Cscape 10

Il software gratuito Cscape PLC combina programmazione grafica ladder diagram (a base IEC-1131) con lo sviluppo di un’interfaccia operatore per integrare completamente il pacchetto di controllo.

Linguaggi IEC integrati
Logica Ladder
Calcoi in virgola mobile
Comandi di movimento
Funzioni Lettura e Scrittura seriale
Configurazione I/O
PID Autotuning
Funzionalità Modem e Rete

Cscape 10 is our next major release for our free PLC software. Cscape combines graphical ladder diagram programming (based on IEC-1131) with operator interface development to completely integrate the control package.

Included in this major release we will have:

Feature-rich Graphics
Re-Designed user interface
New and improved symbol library
Improved ease of use with gesture support, including rotate, flip and swipe gestures
Interactive Trend Object
High-Quality Control Panel Visualization and Objects
Superior Animation Performance
Continued Evolution of Advanced Logic Languages

Tex-El Automazione & Robotica

Via Mulini 1

13878Candelo (BI)


Request product informations Cscape 10

Product Groups:

Application sector: Building Automation (including Elevators), Textile/Synthetic, Food&Beverage

Topics of interest: Advanced Automation

Keywords: #plc #software #free #control #configuration