
SARC - Safe Arithmetic Calculations

New Library & functions in engineering software SafePLC²

BBH Products presents a new function library with the unique SARC functionality in the versions SARC Basic and SARC Advanced for the application of complex safety-related tasks. Safe kinematic or analog value-based calculations such as safe TCP/Joints, safe cartesian speed, position-dependent load determination, etc. are easy to implement using a graphical programming environment. SARC offers a wide range of floating-point operations, from basic functions like addition or multiplication/division to trigonometric functions and more complex functions like matrix calculations. This function library is supplemented by further new monitoring functions, e.g. SWM = Safe Workspace Monitoring for spatial position and/or speed monitoring. The implementation of the respective calculation rule is carried out using the SafePLC² function plan editor in a clear and transparent manner, capable of diagnosis and validation.

SARC functions are integrated in SCU series (FSoE Master controls) of BBH.

Area Download

New library and functionality in engineering software safePLC² . BBH FSoE Master controls with integrated arithmetic processing. - Safety solutions for AGV's and Cobots





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Categoria merceologica:

Settore di applicazione: Macchine Utensili/Robotica, Logistica/Movimentazione, Automotive

Area tematica: Industrial IT & AI

Keyword: #safeplc2 #engineeringsoftware #safetycontrol