e-Technipol and e-Technipol PA
Copolyester or copolyamide based hotmelts for LPM

Copolyester or copolyamide based hotmelts, with a renewable source content, applicable in a solvent-free environment.
e‐TECHNIPOL® and e‐TECHNIPOL®PA are characterized by high flexural modulus, superior resistance at low temperature and excellent adhesion to metals and polar plastic substrates. Thanks to their intrinsic properties, e‐TECHNIPOL® can be processed with melters, low pressure molding, potting and overmolding.
Our wide range of hot melt grants easy 1K solution for an excellent protection of print circuit board (PCB) and electronic components from critical environment conditions as shock, dust, humidity, chemicals, UV exposure and temperature.
Area Download
Low pressure molding
Electrical & Electronic
Indirizzovia Leonardo Da Vinci, 5
27036Mortara (PV)
Categoria merceologica: Connettori a innesto
Settore di applicazione: Building Automation (inclusi ascensori e sistemi elevatori) , Automotive , Elettronica/Elettrotecnica
Area tematica: Additive Manufacturing
Keyword: #copolyester #copolyamide #lpm #pcb #potting